Traffic Operations

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems, known as ITS, are electronics, communications, or information processing used to improve the efficiency or safety of the transportation system. As documented in the Transportation Systems Management and Operations program plan, the Iowa DOT manages more than 1,000 intelligent transportation system devices and approximately 750 miles of Iowa DOT owned and shared fiber-optic cable across the state. ITS devices currently managed by the DOT include everything from closed-circuit television cameras and dynamic message signs to over-height detection systems and road weather information systems.

Intelligent Work Zones

Since 2014, Iowa has taken a comprehensive, statewide approach to deploying ITS on work zones. Temporary, portable cameras, sensors and dynamic message signs are deployed on multiple construction projects every year through a statewide contract, which also ensures all devices and systems are integrated and coordinated into the statewide Traffic Management Center. Additional work zone information is available on the Work Zone Reference Library.

Truck Parking Availability 

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Commercial drivers are under strict hours of service regulations. The Truck Parking Information Management System provides drivers, fleet managers, and owner-operators with up-to-the-minute parking availability along major freight corridors. With locations throughout eight states – Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin – this information source helps drivers find safe parking to get the rest they need to get safely back on the road.

  • For more information on the truck parking project, check out the project site.
  • To gain access to the real-time truck parking availability data feed, check out the Developer Info page.


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