- Chapter 1: Introduction
Purpose of the plan, overview of federal transportation authorizations, and description of national freight goals
- Chapter 2: System inventory and performance
Freight network inventory and reporting on the condition, utilization, safety, and reliability of each freight transportation mode
- Chapter 3: Industries and commodities
Freight -dependent industries, overall commodity movement, and primary supply chains in the state
- Chapter 4: Planning considerations
Freight-related trends, issues, and opportunities to consider during planning and programming
- Chapter 5: Action plan
Implement strategies, improvements, performance measures, and Freight Investment Plan
- Appendices
Inventory of freight-generating facilities and plan revisions
The final State Freight Plan was presented for information to the Iowa Transportation Commission on May 10, 2022 and then forwarded to the Federal Highway Administration for approval. The plan was formally approved on August 18, 2022.
The primary purpose of the State Freight Plan is to document the immediate and long-range freight planning activities and investments in the state. More specifically, it will provide guidance on how to address issues, adapt to emerging trends, and invest strategically in the freight system to grow a stronger economy, strengthen the nation’s competitive advantage, and enhance the quality of life for Iowans.
Developed in coordination with the Iowa Freight Advisory Council, the State Freight Plan serves as a platform for connecting Iowa’s freight-related initiatives and a tool for informed decision-making aimed at addressing the ongoing challenges of today’s freight system and supply chains.
This plan is the second in the current series of freight plans that are now federally required to be updated every four years. The 2022 State Freight Plan is an updated and streamlined version of the original 2017 State Freight Plan with several notable enhancements that will impact the freight transportation system.
The State Freight Plan is developed to support the State Transportation Plan. More specifically, the following freight-specific items will align with the four Iowa DOT system objectives (safety, sustainability, flow, and accessibility) documented in the state transportation plan.
- Freight goals
- Implementation strategies
- Improvements/investments
- Performance measures
Each of Iowa’s freight-related initiatives plays a role in a collaborative planning and programming process. The State Freight Plan is one of a variety of additional plans and tools the department utilizes to ultimately inform the development of the Five-Year Program. These include the State Transportation Plan, more specialized plans, system evaluations, and project-level evaluation tools.