Local Systems


The Local Systems Bureau within the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) oversees the Local Public Agencies (LPA) Federal-aid, Federal-aid Swap, Farm-to-Market, and State-aid transportation projects. Below are the current Federal-aid Programs within that oversight, listed based on methods of funding distribution.

Formula Federal-aid Transportation Programs

  • CRP (Carbon Reduction Program)
  • ER (Emergency Relief)
  • FRT (Federal Rec Trails is also known as Recreational Trails Program (RTP) within FHWA; you might also see NRT which is a holdover for project numbering)
  • HBP (Highway Bridge Program - Includes County & City Bridge Programs from Bridge Formula Program)
  • HSIP (Highway Safety Improvement Program) and subset HRRR (High Risk Rural Roads)
  • ICAAP (Iowa’s Clean Air Attainment Program is Iowa’s designed program funded with FHWA Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) formula funds)
  • NEVI* (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program - On HOLD
  • STBG (Surface Transportation Block Grant)
  • TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program is a set-aside program known as Transportation Alternatives (TA) within FHWA; some may also call it TASA in Iowa)
* These funding sources are ON HOLD as we await further guidance from the current administration.

Other Federal-aid Programs, currently treated similar to “Formula” funds:

  • Earmarks
  • FLAP (Federal Lands Access Program)

FHWA / US DOT Discretionary Grants

  • AID++ (Accelerated Innovation Deployment)
  • BIP++ (Bridge Investment Program)
  • BUILD / RAISE / BUILD / TIGER++ (Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development, Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, and Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery – name change with administration changes.)
  • CHBP++ (Competitive Highway Bridge Program)
  • INFRA++ (Infrastructure for Rebuilding America)
  • NSBP++ (National Scenic Byway Program)
  • PROTECT++ (Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation)
  • SS4A++ (Safe Streets and Roads for All, only when LSB administered funding is also involved)

++ As 2/24/2025, all obligated discretionary grant reimbursements were being processed without delay. As of the same date, there is a HOLD on all non-obligated discretionary grants as they await further guidance from the current administration. In Iowa, an FHWA / US DOT Discretionary Grant is considered “obligated” when there is both a fully executed Federal Grant Agreement and funds have been authorized in the Federal Management Information System (FMIS).  Construction projects are typically authorized in FMIS five (5) weeks ahead of the Iowa DOT Letting date.

For various definitions, like "obligation" as they apply to LPA administered Federal-aid transportation projects please see the Glossary of Terms in the Federal-aid Project Development Guide for Local Public Agencies.


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