Local Systems

Federal Discretionary Grants

Federal Grant Application Reminders

As most of you are likely aware, this Infrastructure Bill includes several grant programs beyond the formula programs like STBG, HBP, TAP, and ICAAP. To minimize future challenges and avoid "surprises", Local Systems wants you to be aware of the below items prior to submitting grant applications.

DISCLAIMER: Iowa DOT is not the host of these Federal Discretionary Grants. The information is here for guidance purposes only.

If you wish for the Local Systems Bureau to act as the pass-through agency, please adhere to the following procedures:

Application Phase Requirements:

  • **NEW** Inform the Local Systems Bureau of your intent to submit a discretionary grant application by filling out this form.
  • Please provide a summary of the intended application, including the project timeline and intended funding match.
  • The form will allow you to download your submission entry once you submit it for your records.
  • Local Systems Bureau will not provide comments on your application materials but are we require an applicant to inform us prior to a possible award notification to help prioritize staffing needs and to help us determine whether the project will fit into our standard procedures.
  • If you would like to request a letter of support from the DOT for your application, please reach out to Daniel Yeh at daniel.yeh@iowadot.us no less than 5 business days prior to the grant submittal date with the following information: Grant You’re Applying for, Project Title, Project Location, Total Project Cost, and Total Grant Application Ask ($).
  • If you have any questions or are having issues with this form, please contact Eryn Stone with questions.

Please note: Failure to complete these steps will result in the Iowa DOT being unable to serve as the pass-through agency.

Award Phase Considerations:

  • The Iowa DOT reserves the right to choose whether to act as the pass-through agency. Initially, the FHWA assumes the Direct Recipient role.
  • Submit a detailed project timeline for review. The Iowa DOT will assess if the proposed timeline is reasonable and achievable. Unrealistic timelines may lead to the Iowa DOT declining the pass-through role, as the DOT cannot assume risks associated with unmet project milestones.

Additional Information: The Iowa DOT’s guidelines, deadlines, and procedures align with federal and state laws and have been vetted by the FHWA. The deadlines detailed in our Instructional Memorandums (I.M.s) are mandatory and reflect the necessary time required for thorough project reviews. Often, these timelines represent minimum requirements.


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