Sign Replacement Program for Cities and Counties

The new application program is now available! Thank you for your patience as we prepared this new process. Submissions will be accepted starting at 9:00 AM CT, Thursday, March 27.
About the program
The purpose of the program is to replace damaged, worn out, obsolete or substandard signs and signposts for cities and counties in Iowa. The grant program is not for ordering new signs that do not exist at the location specified in the application.
- Application period typically begins the first business day after January 1 of each new year (Delayed for 2025).
- Only one grant application may be submitted per applicant year.
- Applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis, however, entities awarded in the previous cycle will only be considered after those entities who were not recently awarded.
- An assessment of need and proper location and installation of posts will be the responsibility of the communities.
- The Iowa Department of Transportation Sign Shop, or another source, may supply the signs/posts.
- Payments to successful applicants will be made after July 1st.
Annual grant maximum:
- Cities: $5,000
- Counties: $10,000
- Only cities and counties are eligible for this grant.
- Only the regulatory, warning, and school area signs in the eligible sign list will be eligible for replacement (A list of eligible signs can be found in the Sign Replacement Program eligible list. See instructions below.)
- Only signs, posts and bases that are in need of replacement are eligible.
- The replacement signs, posts and bases will be installed at the same general location from which the signs, posts and bases being replaced was removed.
- Signs, posts, and bases must have been
replaced during the calendar year PREVIOUS to when the application is
due. The 2025 application is for replacements made during 2024 (January 1
– December 31).
- Reflective sign-post strips (for chevron and stop sign posts only) are eligible through SRPFCC. A limit of $1000/annually for cities and $2000/annually for counties (out of the grant maximum) for new or replacement reflective sign-post strips will be reimbursed.
How to apply
The new sign replacement application can be found here. Download and follow application instructions. Submissions will be accepted beginning at 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 27. Applications will be reviewed in the order received and will be awarded in the spring. Payments will not be made until after July 1.
Applications will be submitted through the new online program. DO NOT use the downloaded Excel application from the 2024 application.
Grantees will provide the following sign inventory information in the application:
- Type of sign, post or base (including MUTCD code).
- Dates and descriptions of sign deficiency.
- Date of replacement sign installation.
- Sign location.
- Sign ID (if known).
If grantees don’t have a sign inventory, grantee could be asked to provide date-stamped photos of existing signs and installed replacement signs.
Cities with a population of under 500 may apply to receive approval/funding before purchasing signs/posts by completing a Hardship Waiver along with the application. Waivers may be emailed to after the online application is submitted.
Reimbursement rates
Reimbursement rates for each sign/post type will be established by the grant administrator (Rates will populate automatically in the application when the sign/post/base is selected). Rates will be reviewed by the program administrator on an annual basis. Reimbursement will not exceed the annual maximum.
Mary Beth Sprouse, grant administrator