Traffic Incident Management

2024 Traffic Incident Management Conference

You’re invited to attend the 2024 fall Traffic Incident Management (TIM) conference. We will start promptly at 8 a.m. and expect to wrap up at 4 p.m. We will have a vendor area for equipment displays at the hotel. Lunch will be provided.

WHEN: Sept. 24, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
WHERE: Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, Ames, Iowa
WHAT: Conference Agenda

Rooms are available at the hotel for a discounted rate of $98 plus tax. Please reference the TIM Conference when reserving your room. You can reserve by calling 515-292-8600 or visiting the following link  (this will take you directly to the block online). Please book by September 2 to secure this rate. If you have questions or need assistance regarding your stay, please contact, Gabriela Wheaton, at 515-268-2226.

Unfortunately, traffic crashes happen every day on Iowa roadways. The men and women who respond to these crashes put their lives on the line every time that call comes in. Using their training and skills, these brave responders do everything they can to assist those who are injured and then clear the scene quickly to minimize the risk to other motorists.

A team of law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, firefighters, tow truck operators, transportation workers, and others who are passionate about traffic safety serve on Iowa’s Statewide Traffic Incident Management Committee. The group meets regularly to go over protocols and procedures and share information to make us all safer on the roads.

Quick Links 

Traffic Incident Management Training

TIM Training


TIM Diversion Plan Dashboard

Upcoming Training

The map below shows upcoming TIM Training. Contact the Trainer associated with the training for availability to attend.

Available Trainers

If no trainings are currently available in your area, below is a map of all active TIM trainers in Iowa which can be used to request training.


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