About TSMO

Our roads are busier than ever before and with more drivers on the road, the potential for crashes and increased congestion is greater than ever.

A bigger system is not always the best way to optimize performance. Which is why, behind the scenes, we are constantly finding ways to fine tune the performance of our transportation system.

This strategic approach to improving the system is called Transportation Systems Management and Operations or TSMO.

Our strategies include things like traffic cameras, the 511 website and other resources that provide traveler information, electronic message signs, Highway Helper and the people who monitor the network to respond quickly to crashes and other issues that cause traffic jams.

The Plan

There are three levels to the overall TSMO plan:

The TSMO Strategic Plan highlights Iowa’s challenges, makes the case for TSMO, and describes the vision, mission, goals, and strategic objectives for TSMO.

The TSMO Program Plan is a companion to the strategic plan and provides the structure for a comprehensive TSMO program. It outlines the programmatic objectives, strategies, processes, procedures, and resources needed to deliver the vision and goals of the TSMO Strategic Plan.

There will be eight service layer plans. The service layer plans are intended to provide more detailed recommendations and actions for each of eight service areas. The service layer plans include discussion and analysis of opportunities and challenges, existing conditions assessment, gap analysis, recommendations, and a more detailed five-year service layer plan cost estimate for each service layer.

TSMO Strategic Plan

TSMO Strategic Plan

TSMO Program Plan

TSMO Program Plan

What is TSMO?

The strategic approach to improving the state's transportation system to help you reach your destination, safely, efficiently, and conveniently.

Why develop a
TSMO plan?

Our roads are busier than ever before. With more drivers on the road, the potential for crashes and increased congestion is greater than ever. The TSMO plan will help us find ways to fine tune the performance of and proactively manage the state's transportation system.

National Resources

The National Operations Center of Excellence is the central hub for best practices, materials, and national research related to TSMO activities. Learn more

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