Local Systems


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Urban Engineer, Eryn Stone

Leadership and Administration Team

Nicole Moore, Director

Nicole Moore



  • Supervise office staff and administer office functions
  • Serve as liaison to local, state and federal agencies
  • Oversee administration of Federal-aid, federal-aid swap and state-aid programs for cities and counties
  • Legislative, regulatory, and policy research and analysis
  • Office administration and special projects
  • Oversee office web site

Sarah Okerlund, Deputy Director

Sarah Okerlund

Deputy Director


  • Supervise Field Staff
  • Serve as liaison to local, state and federal agencies
  • Oversee administration of Federal-aid, federal-aid swap and state-aid programs for cities and counties
  • Coordinate revisions to office policy and procedure documents (Guidance Manual, IMs, PPM, and Funding Guide)
  • Legislative, regulatory, and policy research and analysis
  • Office administration and special projects
  • Oversee office web site
  • Oversee development and preparation of primary and local systems agreements
  • LTAP contract administrator

Niki Stinn, Secondary Roads Engineer

Niki Stinn

Secondary roads engineer

  • Administer and coordinate various Federal and State programs for counties (i.e. STBGP, FM, HBP, HSIP , ER, TSIP, and County Bridge)
  • Resource point for the field engineers as they assist the counties with Fed-aid, State, and FM projects
  • Liaison to counties and county programs, budgets, and annual reports
  • Oversee review of county programs, budgets, and annual reports
  • Review and revise rural design criteria
  • Assist with reviewing IM'sMonitor FM balance and cash flow

Eryn Stone, Urban Engineer

Eryn Stone

Urban Engineer

  • Administer Federal and State programs for cities (i.e. STBGP, TSIP, City Bridge, Curb Ramp, and Demo / Discretionary)
  • Resource point for the field engineers as they assist the cities with federal-aid projects
  • Liaison to cities and city organizations
  • Review and revise urban design criteria
  • Oversee Street Financial Report
  • Assist with reviewing IM's
  • Administer Inactive Obligations Report
  • Various committees: SUDAS, TSIP Advisory, APWA conference planning
  • ADA complaints and policy guidance
  • Title VI / EEO officer for Local Systems

Mary Beth Sprouse, Reports Specialist

Mary Beth Sprouse

Reports Specialist


  • Administer Street Finance Report, including training and revisions
  • Assist with review and approval of county budgets, programs and annual reports
  • Prepare and submit FHWA 536 report
  • Office equipment coordination and tracking
  • Automation projects, including training
  • HIDARG committee representative
  • Sign Replacement Program for Cities and Counties Grant Coordinator
  • Contact for training sign up / DOTU
  • Assist counties and cities by answering basic questions and helping them locate reference information such as design guide, instructional memorandums or other procedural guides, funding information, report instructions, or other general information
  • Safety committee representative
  • Emergency responsive team
  • Assist/monitor bureau budget

Doug Heeren, Agreements Specialist

Doug Heeren

Agreements specialist


  • City and county primary highway pre-design, preconstruction, right-of-way, and transfer of jurisdiction agreements
  • Bi-state and border bridge agreements
  • Park and institutional road agreements
  • TSIP agreements and project numbers
  • Mitigation agreements
  • Develop Staff Actions
  • Develop and maintain city and county agreement shells for various state and federal programs

Derek Peck, E-construction Administrator

Derek Peck

E-construction Administrator


  • Administer Doc Express program for LPA projects
  • Administer Appia program for LPA projects
  • Administer E-ticketing for LPA projects
  • Develop and manage E-construction training and instruction manuals

Jim Kennedy, Support Technician

Support Technician


  • Upload Contract Documents and Letting Information to Doc Express for Local Agency construction projects
  • Assist with Funding Agreements on Federal-aid and Federal-aid Swap projects, as well as other State-aid funding
  • Update Iowa DOT Equipment Rates annually
  • Assist Secondary Roads Engineer with Annual Report review and Budget and Program Review
  • Assist Urban Engineer with the City Bridge Program

Project Development Team

Joe Albright

Project Development Technician


  • Plan development review and contract document preparation: includes all stages of project plan development for local agencies in the State which may include the concept statement and preliminary, check, and final plans. 
  • Submittal of the final plans and contract documentation for submittal to the Contracts and Specifications Bureau. 
  • Also perform plan reviews, reviews contract documentation, and offers guidance to the local entities for locally let projects.
  • Assist local agencies in programming and funding for Federal and/or State-aid projects so that their funding is in the correct fiscal year in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) at the time they wish to let a project.
  • May assist in the preparation of pertinent Federal and/or State-aid agreements for projects that involve Federal and/or State-aid funding.

Arielle Muench

Project Development Technician


  • Plan development review and contract document preparation: includes all stages of project plan development for local agencies in the State which may include the concept statement and preliminary, check, and final plans. 
  • Submittal of the final plans and contract documentation for submittal to the Contracts and Specifications Bureau. 
  • Also perform plan reviews, reviews contract documentation, and offers guidance to the local entities for locally let projects.
  • Assist local agencies in programming and funding for Federal and/or State-aid projects so that their funding is in the correct fiscal year in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) at the time they wish to let a project.
  • May assist in the preparation of pertinent Federal and/or State-aid agreements for projects that involve Federal and/or State-aid funding.

Jenifer Bates

Jenifer Bates

Project Development Engineer


  • Plan development review and contract document preparation: includes all stages of project plan development for local agencies in the State which may include the concept statement and preliminary, check, and final plans. 
  • Submittal of the final plans and contract documentation for submittal to the Contracts and Specifications Bureau. 
  • Also perform plan reviews, reviews contract documentation, and offers guidance to the local entities for locally let projects.
  • Assist local agencies in programming and funding for Federal and/or State-aid projects so that their funding is in the correct fiscal year in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) at the time they wish to let a project.
  • May assist in the preparation of pertinent Federal and/or State-aid agreements for projects that involve Federal and/or State-aid funding.
  • Develop guidance for local agencies to standardize their plans and contract documents.
  • Develop training for local agencies for standardizing their plans and contract documents.
  • Develop presentations and present at local agency meetings and conferences.

Regional Field Teams

Field Engineers and Technicians

Western Region

Ross Wood


Wood, Ross
Western Region Field Technician



Travis Adair


Adair, Travis
Western Region Field Technician



Zach Gunsolley

Gunsolley, Zach
Western Region Field Engineer

Central Region

Dennis Whittle


Whittle, Dennis
Central Region Field Technician



Noah Thomas



Thomas, Noah
Central Region Field Technician



Brian Catus

Catus, Brian
Central Region Field Engineer


Eastern Region

Eric Tjelmeland


Tjelmeland, Eric
Eastern Region Field Technician



Jeremy Mclaughlin


McLaughlin, Jeremy
Eastern Region Field Technician



Dillon Feldmann

Feldmann, Dillon
Eastern Region Field Engineer


Field Technicians

  • Contract Administration of Federal-aid, Federal-aid Swap, and Farm-to-Market projects including:  site visits to projects, change order reviews, reimbursement request reviews/processing, item progress vouchers, and Weekly Reports of Working Days
  • Final Contract Reviews and Contract Close-out, including:  field documentation; project engineer’s office audit; and final pay quantities. Review “Statement of Completion and Final Acceptance of Work” (form 830435), “Final Payment” (Form 830436), and “Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance of Agreement Work” (form 640003) on Federal-aid, Federal-aid Swap, FM and State-aid transportation contracts, where applicable.
  • Monitor close-out status of Federal and State-aid transportation contracts.

Field Engineers

  • Serve as a liaison between the LPAs, the Department, and the Federal Highway Administration.
  • Contract Administration of Federal-aid, Federal-aid Swap, and Farm-to-Market projects including:  site visits to projects, change order approval/disapproval, and answering contract related questions from contractors, project engineers, project inspectors, consultants, and local governments.
  • Final Contract Reviews and Contract Close-out, including:  field documentation; project engineer’s office audit; and final pay quantities. Review or approve “Statement of Completion and Final Acceptance of Work” (form 830435), “Final Payment” (Form 830436), and “Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance of Agreement Work” (form 640003) on Federal and State-aid transportation contracts, where applicable.
  • Monitor close-out status of Federal and State-aid transportation contracts.
  • Provide engineering advice, reviews, evaluations, and recommendations to LPA/consultant staff engaged in development and construction of projects and programs in cooperation with the Department.
  • Direct and oversee the work activities of multiple Engineering Technician Seniors assigned to assist this position.
  • Assist the LPAs as a general resource concerning many issues such as functional classification, jurisdiction, route number, right-of-way acquisition, condemnation, availability of funding programs and qualification, budget and programming advice, and transferring FM funds to secondary road funds.
  • Provide miscellaneous engineering and traffic safety support to LPAs.
  • Request and coordinate traffic engineering studies with the Department's Traffic Engineering Assistance program (TEAP) consultant to assist the LPAs with their more complex traffic safety and operational problems.
  • Develop or assist in the development of project funding agreements between the Department and the project sponsor.
  • Assist and provide guidance to agencies requesting to utilize Federal and State-aid for professional services, construction, and other transportation contract elements.
  • Respond to customers' concerns/questions about transportation contracts.
  • Act as the Regional representative of Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS).
  • On Federal-aid contracts, assist in the Federal-aid consultant selection process.

Grant Program

Debra Arp, Team Leader

Team Leader

  • Promotes customer service, fair selection of projects for funding programs, and efficient delivery of locally sponsored grant projects
  • Provides guidance to team members, resulting in consistent project development and program administration
  • Ensures policies and procedures are consistent with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations
  • Responsible for balancing team workload and coordinating with other state agencies, Iowa DOT bureaus, and the FHWA

Mike Bloom, Construction Monitor

Construction Monitor

  • Performs on-site field reviews of federal and state aid projects developed by the Grant Team
  • Works with project managers, engineers, inspectors, and contractors to resolve various construction and documentation related issues
  • Performs monitoring of RISE program projects re: businesses located, lots developed, and ongoing maintenance of roadway

Scott Flagg, FRT Program Manager

Federal Recreational Trail
(FRT) Program Manager


  • Administers grant cycles
    • FRT $1.3 million annually; Oct 1
    • SRT $2.5 million (varies) annually; July 1
  • Reviews all applications for eligibility
  • Completes required reporting to FHWA and other stakeholders and works with user groups
  • Administers development of most awarded projects
  • Monitors compliance and manages funds to avoid lapse of federal-aid and reversion of state funds
  • Also assists with development of some Iowa’s TAP projects

Kurt Harvey, Plan Review & Contract Support Specialist

Plan Review & Contract Support Specialist

  • Reviews all plan submittals for all programs administered by Grant Team and provides comments
  • Ensures all project plans meet ADA requirements
  • Coordinates with Contracts & Specifications Bureau and advises LPA contacts regarding various letting requirements and procedures
  • Reviews all contract modifications for all programs administered by Grant Team

Susan Hollenkamp, Iowa's TAP Program Manager

Iowa’s Transportation Alternatives Program (Iowa’s TAP) Program Manager

  • Administers $5 million* annual Statewide TAP grant cycle; Oct 1*
  • Reviews all applications received by the 18 RPAs and 9 MPOs for program eligibility prior to award of $9.6 million* for projects statewide
  • Ensures RPA and MPO project selection processes meet federal requirements
  • Completes required reporting to FHWA and other stakeholders
  • Administers development of Iowa’s TAP projects

Jennifer Kolacia, RISE & FLAP Program Manager

Jennifer Kolacia

Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) Program Manager
Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Program Manager


  • Administers grant cycles
    • RISE $38 million annually; Feb 1/Sept 1 Local Development & rolling Immediate Opportunity
    • FLAP funds at the call of Eastern Federal Lands (FHWA)
  • Reviews RISE applications for eligibility
  • Monitors RISE projects for job creation and development compliance
  • Provides local administration of FLAP w/EFL-FHWA
  • Administers development of all awarded projects with few exceptions
  • Manages RISE funds and prepares monthly award documentation for Iowa Transportation Commission
  • Also assists with development of some Iowa’s TAP projects and Linking Iowa’s Freight Transportation System (LIFTS) projects

Jenny Lawrence, Financial Manager

Financial Manager

  • Reviews all claims for reimbursement for all programs administered by the Grant Team
  • Reviews and approves all supplier invoices
  • Enters FHWA authorization requests in FMIS
  • Monitors inactive obligations and PEDs
  • Oversees Bureau financial procedures
  • Assists with program fund balance monitoring

Jodi Rhoads, Claims Processing and Program Support Specialist

Claims Processing and Program Support Specialist

  • Receives all claims for reimbursement for all programs administered by Grant Team
  • Reviews all documentation for completeness and drafts supplier invoices
  • Coordinates agreement execution logistics
  • Routes all final closure forms
  • Maintains accuracy in program databases and runs reports
  • Uploads documents to ERMS

Troy Schroeder, Federal-aid Project Manager

Federal-aid Project Manager

  • Administers development of Iowa’s TAP projects
  • Maintains program databases and runs reports

Jared Smith, ICAAP, VW, EMS, DERA, NEVI Program Manager

— Iowa’s Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP)
Program Manager Volkswagen (VW)
Environmental Mitigation Settlement Program Manager
Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Program Manager
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program Manager


  • Administers grant cycles
    • ICAAP $4 million annually; Oct 1
    • VW $21+ million; awarded over 3+ years
  • DERA $500K+ annually; Fall
  • NEVI $10.3 million; application program pending
  • Reviews all applications for eligibility
  • Completes required reporting to FHWA, VW Trust, and EPA
  • Administers development of all awarded projects with few exceptions
  • Monitors compliance and manages funds
  • Also assists with development of some Iowa’s TAP projects

Emily Whaley, Iowa Byways Program Manager

Emily Whaley

Iowa Byways Program Manager

  • Administers Iowa Byways program including signage and facilitates communication and application to the National Scenic Byway program
  • Coordinates Iowa’s 11 state-designated scenic byways and 3 National Scenic Byways
  • Staffs Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission
  • Serves as liaison with other state agencies affiliated with Iowa Byways
  • Manages program budget and plans for projects benefiting the statewide program
  • Also assists with development of some Iowa’s TAP projects


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