Right Of Way

Properties for Sale

Property Management

The Iowa DOT acquires real estate as a result of highway improvement projects throughout the state. After property is acquired, the Iowa DOT is often in a position to dispose of some of these assets. Sales of properties are classified in two basic groups:

  • Land - with improvements
  • Land - without improvements

Throughout the year, the DOT will primarily sell properties through the two venues below.

Properties For Sale

This online auction offers larger properties available throughout the state. These are available less frequently, but are typically valued higher and offer more development potential.

Please check back regularly for the status of properties available through our online auction vender.

Auction icon

There is no live auction at this time.

* The image above will become full-color when the auction is active.

Properties For Sale

These smaller tracts of property are available statewide, and generally have less development potential. These properties are offered for immediate sale through GovDeals directly, but may also be viewed by clicking the map below. Please check back as these properties have the potential to change frequently.

Open the map below in a new window.

Conditions for Auction Sales

Property sales are generally handled through an online auction. Notices of sales and the dates bids are due are usually published in local newspapers and on the Iowa DOT's website. The Iowa DOT reserves the right to accept or reject all bids.

When items such as houses and other buildings must be moved, the Iowa DOT generally requires a performance deposit (bond). The bond amount is stated in the bid proposal packet, and must be submitted in the form of a cashier's check, official bank checks, certified check, personal checks, or money order. After the terms of the bid proposal are fulfilled, the deposit is returned to the purchaser.

Terms of land sales, with or without improvements, require 10 percent of the bid be submitted at the conclusion of the online auction, with the balance due 60 days after the successful bidder is notified his/her bid has been accepted.


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