Ignition interlock device
What is an ignition interlock device?
Ignition interlock devices stop the car from starting if the alcohol level of the driver's breath is above the present limit. It's connected to the car's electrical system and has a set limit for alcohol in the breath. If it's too high, the car won't start.
Do I need one installed in my vehicle?
If it is your first OWI offense and you want a TRL, you will need an ignition interlock device installed on any vehicles you drive.
If you have had two or more OWI offenses, you will need an ignition interlock device installed on any vehicles you drive for 365 days.
Where can I get one installed?
The following is a list of ignition interlock device service providers that have been approved by the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) for use in the State of Iowa:
Can I get a temporary restricted license (TRL)?
You are eligible for a TRL if:
You are over the age of 18 and your driving privileges have not been withdrawn for a "zero tolerance" revocation.
If it is your first OWI offense, you have installed an ignition interlock device on all vehicles you will be driving. If you have had two or more OWI offenses, you will need an ignition interlock device installed on all vehicles you drive for at least 365 days from the date you receive the TRL or the duration of the TRL, whichever comes later.
Your OWI did NOT cause a death.
Find out how to get a TRL.