Local Systems

Federal and state recreational trails

Program manager

Scott Flagg
Phone: 515-239-1252

SRT Program

Purpose-The state recreational trails program (SRT) provides funds to establish recreational trails throughout Iowa for the use, enjoyment and participation of the public. The program is restricted to the acquisition, construction or improvement of recreational trails open for public use or trails which will be dedicated public use upon completion.

Who can apply? A state or local government agency, a municipal corporation, a county or a nonprofit organization is eligible to apply for and receive funds from the recreational trails program.  A private business or developer is not eligible to apply directly for funds from the recreational trails program

FRT Program

Purpose-The Federal Recreational Trails program (FRT) provides grant funding for trails and trail-related projects. Funds are intended for recreational trails. They may not be used to improve roads for general passenger vehicle use or to provide shoulders or sidewalks along roads.

Permitted Uses- Maintenance and restoration of existing trails; Development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages; Purchase and lease of trail construction and maintenance equipment; Construction of new trails (with restrictions for new trails on Federal lands; Acquisition of easements or property for trails; Operation of educational programs to promote safety and environmental protection related to trails (limited to 5 percent of a state’s funds).

Who can apply? A federal, state and/or local government agency, private individuals and organizations (if co-sponsored by a government agency) are eligible to apply as well.


Trail funding applications and instructions

The application forms below shall be used to submit an Iowa State Recreational Trails (SRT) Program and Federal Recreational Trails Program (FRT) project proposals.
  1. Please submit your application and attachments as one PDF document via email to scott.flagg@iowadot.us no later than 5:00 pm on July 1 for the SRT program and no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 1 for the FRT program. Information must be clear, concise, and accurate. Additional pages may be attached if the space provided is inadequate.
  2. Complete the Minority Impact Statement (Iowa Department of Transportation Form 105101) for the proposed SRT project.
  3. All information submitted as part of this application, as well as any additional information requested by the Iowa DOT, will be used to evaluate the application. If you have any questions, please contact:

    Scott Flagg
    State Recreational Trails Program Manager

Project Development Information Packet - Local Systems Bureau website

W-9 and expense sheet (pdf or excel)


Reimbursement claims for SRT projects must be accompanied by an original signed reimbursement claim form 240011, copies of all invoices, listing the beginning and end of the invoice billing period, pay estimates, and proof of payment totaling 100% of actual costs for which the reimbursement is being requested. Reimbursement claims for FRT projects must be accompanied by an original signed reimbursement claim form 240007, copies of all invoices, listing the beginning and end of the invoice billing period, pay estimates, and proof of payment totaling 100% of actual costs for which the reimbursement is being requested. Further instructions on supporting documentation can be found in the Required Documentation for Reimbursement document. Claims, including required documentation, shall be emailed to DOT.SPBClaims@iowadot.us.



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