Bridges & Structures


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Disclaimer: This software and other files are intended for use by consultants working for the Bridges and Structures Bureau in their development of projects for the Iowa Department of Transportation. Any other use is at the sole discretion of the user. The Iowa Department of Transportation makes the software and other files available "AS IS" and assumes no liability nor makes any warranty of any kind, including warranties of non-infringement, fitness or merchant ability whether expressed or implied, to the accuracy or functionality of these files. By downloading any files, you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

The Bridges and Structures Bureau will only support those persons using these files in connection with Iowa Department of Transportation related business.

Excel Macros

In order to use most of the spreadsheets, enable macros. Learn more on Microsoft's website.

Related Links

The programs are based on Visual Basic®, Mathcad, and Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007.

Please contact Michael Nop with questions on these programs.

LEAP Bridge Concrete - Configuration Files and Beam Design Output Files

CIP Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Program

Software written under Iowa Highway Research Board Project TR-620, Update of RCB Culvert Standards to LRFD Specifications.

CulvertCalc 3.1 Installation Files (3.9 MB) 03/18/21

Steel Girder Design Mathcad® Sheets

Attention Internet Explorer users: In order to download Mathcad files, right click on the link and choose "Save target as." If the file extension is shown as XML, be sure to change it to XMCD.

These Mathcad sheets may be used for various portions of AASHTO LRFD steel I-girder design.

Bearing Stiffener

Field Splice 12/19/14

Intermediate Stiffener Size

Negative Resistance

Plastic Moment-Negative

Plastic Moment-Positive

Positive Moment Constructibility

Positive Resistance

Shear Connectors

Shear Resistance-End Panel

Shear Resistance-Interior Panel

T-Pier Example using RC-Pier®

These files consist of RC-Pier example input files and documentation on the use of RC-Pier for a typical LRFD T-Pier design..

RC Pier Column

RC Pier Footing

Frame Pier Example using RC-Pier®

These files consist of RC-Pier example input files and documentation on the use of RC-Pier for a typical LRFD frame pier design.

RC Pier Column (20 MB)

RC Pier Footing (36 MB)

Superstructure Applications

These spreadsheets allow the user to determine top of slab elevations (CCS, CWPG, PPCB), beam line haunch elevations (CWPG, PPCB) and haunches (PPCB) for straight, constant width bridges.



The PPCB fabricator data spreadsheet is a form to collect prestressed beam camber data from fabricators.



The bridge deck drain spreadsheet may be used to assist the designer in locating deck drains. The Bridge Design Manual shall be consulted for deck drain policy requirements.



This spreadsheet was developed to aid the design of typical strip seal expansion joints. The Bridge Design Manual shall be consulted for the most up-to-date policies.



This spreadsheet was developed to provide LRFD Live Load Distribution Factors for Beam-Slab Bridges.



This application assists with design of traditional concrete decks on prestressed or steel beams (Aashto Lrfd,,, 9, A13.4).



This application determines MASH single slope rail capacity.



This application assists with design of typical Iowa DOT pretensioned prestressed concrete beams.

Substructure Applications

Some of these spreadsheets allow the user to determine typical pier loads based on the AASHTO LRFD code for use with the RC-Pier software. Some spreadsheets may be used in the LRFD design of typical pier caps, pile footings, and steel laminated elastomeric bearings.

Miscellaneous Programs

This spreadsheet determines tension rebar development and splice lengths based on the 7th and 8th edition of the AASHTO LRFD code.

Instructions for iPD project cost estimating software.

The prepare cost estimate spreadsheet may be used to assist the designer in estimating the cost of a project based on bid items.


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