Program Management

Program Management

The Iowa Transportation Commission and Iowa DOT remain committed to providing safe and efficient transportation services to the public. In developing the Five-Year Highway Program, the Commission and Iowa DOT continue to recognize the critical importance of an effective and efficient Interstate Highway System. The interstate highways connect all transportation systems in Iowa and allows major freight movements to occur delivering Iowa products to the world's marketplace.

Our Mission

To implement the department's long-range transportation plan by monitoring available resources and preparing a comprehensive schedule of transportation projects and investments.

Staff Contacts


Bureau director

Zac Bitting

MPO/RPA quarterly balance reports
Federal Highway Administration reports

Bitting compiles and secures approval of the STIP which identifies federal-aid projects proposed by the Iowa DOT, cities, counties and federal agencies. He works with DOT and local stakeholders to maintain the STIP and ensures that STIP programming entries meet federal requirements prior to project letting. He monitors authorizations of MPO and RPA Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program, and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funds for projects within their areas and develops reports documenting each planning area's remaining balance of targeted funds. He also is responsible for calculating MPO and RPA STBG, TAP, and CRP targets.

Bitting submits monthly motor fuel consumption reports and annual statistical and financial reports of motor fuel taxes, motor vehicle registrations, motor carrier registrations, and driver licenses to the Federal Highway Administration.

Matt Chambers

Five Year Program
Border Bridge Coordination
Emergency and Contingency Program

Chambers annually directs the development of the Iowa DOT Five Year Program. This effort includes reviewing and approving cost estimates, assessing project alternatives and schedules, providing guidance of project funding alternatives, and monitoring state and federal revenue sources.

He coordinates communication and programming of border bridge projects with Iowa DOT staff and staff from bordering states.

Chambers also tracks and manages the Iowa DOT Emergency and Contingency program.

Shawn Majors

Funding forecast
Park and Institutional Roads Program (P & I Program)

Majors develops forecasts of the Road Use Tax Fund and assessments of Primary Road Fund income. He may assist in interpretation of various federal-aid requirements for allocations administered by the department; coordinate participation at Transportation Commission public input meetings; or address questions concerning various programs identified by the Iowa Transportation Improvement Program.

Majors coordinates or accomplishes activities required for reimbursement from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration.

He compiles and secures approval of the STIP, which identifies most federal-aid projects proposed by the Iowa DOT, cities, counties and federal agencies. He is a good source concerning funding procedures and Iowa's federal-aid programming process.

Majors administers the P & I Program. This program provides state funds for roadway construction, improvements and maintenance within the boundaries of state-owned lands. Locations funded by the P & I Program include state parks, universities, institutions, correctional facilities, the state fairgrounds, and community colleges. He is the liaison between DOT and participating agencies and is the primary source concerning agency policies and procedures for expenditures of P & I fund.


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