Behind-the-Wheel Instructors
Iowa Code section 321.178(2) requires that, to provide street or highway driving instruction (behind-the-wheel instruction) in a driver’s education course, a person needs to be both certified by the Iowa Department of Transportation and authorized by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.
For more information about behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction, please review Iowa Code section 321.178 and Iowa Administrative Code 761-634.7.
To be eligible to become and remain a BTW instructor, you must be at least 25 years old, have a valid driver’s license that permits unaccompanied driving, and have a clear driving record for the previous two years as defined in Iowa Administrative subrule 761-634.7(c). Please contact with any questions about the behind-the-wheel process.
Please note, this information does not apply to CDL instructors. If you're interested in becoming a CDL instructor for an entry-level training provider, please visit the FMCSA’S entry-level training provider website to find out about the requirements.