Driver's Education

Parent-taught driver education

Parent-taught driver education was created and authorized by the Iowa legislature for parents that wish to teach driver education to their own children. Get answers to your frequently asked questions.

There are five simple steps to meet the requirements.


Submit the application and documents

Attention iconPlease review your log carefully and make sure it is similar to the sample below.

Most applications are denied due to missing or incomplete log entries.

Sample completed driving log

After the course and behind-the-wheel instruction are complete, the parent must submit the online Application for Parent-Taught Driver Education to the Iowa DOT. The following items must be uploaded with every submitted completion:

  • Student completion certificate or final grade report as supplied by the course provider. View a sample course completion (The sample includes completion certificates/report samples for all course providers. You may need to scroll to find the sample of the course provider you chose.)
  • Copy of a completed driving log. This can be a legible, hand-written copy of the log that can be uploaded when submitting the application and documents.

Got a question?

For questions about parent-taught driver education, please complete the question/comment form.

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