Q: How do I change my business name and/or address?
A: Registrants may do a name, address, USDOT & TIN change ANYTIME during the year.
Customers are required to update their business name and/or address, US DOT number, or TIN change with FMCSA first using, the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS).
Once your business name, address, USDOT number, or TIN change has been made with FMCSA, you can complete the IFTA application. If the registrant has an IFTA account, and it is not renewal time for IFTA, you will need to pay $10 before any processing can be done.
Business name changes
If the name change is a major name change (Smith Trucking to Jones Transportation, Inc.), they must provide 3 proofs of residency in the new name at the current physical address and submit a new record retention statement.
If the name change is minor (Smith Trucking to Smith Trucking LLC), they do not need to provide 3 proofs or residency.
Address, USDOT, or TIN changes
No documentation is needed if the change is only an address, USDOT, or TIN change, however; all changes must be completed with FMCSA first, as mentioned above.
Q: What do I do if I am suspended?
A: If your account is suspended, there could be various reasons depending on the specifics of your account. Please contact our office for assistance in reinstating your account at 515-237-3268 or omcs@iowadot.us.
Q: What do I do if I did not renew my IFTA license?
A: You have two options available for renewing your IFTA license:
Log in to your IFTA account, OR
- Contact our Motor Carrier Services team for assistance at 515-237-3268 or omcs@iowadot.us.