Oversize/ overweight permits - forms and applications
Get permits for oversize and overweight vehicles. Unless the permit states otherwise, permits are valid on Interstate, U.S., & Iowa roads. Permits for county or city routes shall be obtained from those respective agencies if required.
NEW Annual All-systems Overweight Permit
- Valid for 12 months
- Allows for unlimited trips on all state and some city/county roads. Refer to the All-Systems overweight permit route map for a list of participating counties and the roads allowed for travel.
- Not valid on Interstate highways
- 20,000 pounds per axle maximum
- Permit not required to haul 90,000 on 6 axles, or 96,000 on 7 axles pursuant to the existing weight tables in Iowa Code 321.463(6)(c)(1)
- Maximum weight = 12% over current maximum legal weights based on number of axles and distance between axles:
- 5 axle maximum: 89,600 lbs.
- 6 axle maximum: 100,800 lbs.
- 7 axle maximum: 107,520 lbs.
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
General provisions
- All vehicles operating under permit must carry a copy of the permit in the vehicle and make the permit available upon request of any authorized official.
- A copy of the Iowa General Provisions for Oversize Load Permit must also be carried with the permit. All provisions noted on the permit and general provisions must be followed.
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- For self-propelled cranes only
- Shall not exceed 80,000 pounds gross, 24,000 pounds maximum per axle.
Single trip permit
- Valid for five days, valid for one trip only (one way)
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Round trip permit
- Valid for five days, valid for a complete round trip along the same route
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Single trip with weight increase permit
- Valid for five days, valid for one trip only
- Includes a temporary weight increase for one trip
- Valid for house moves only
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Temporary weight increase permit
- Valid for five days, valid for one trip only
- Weight increase only– not valid for travel on state roads; used in conjunction with city/county permits only
- Valid for house moves only
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Annual oversize permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- 80,000 pounds gross maximum, 20,000 pounds per axle maximum
- Valid on all state and interstate highways
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Annual oversize/overweight permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- 156,000 pounds gross maximum, 20,000 pounds per axle maximum
- Not valid for interstate travel (state roads only)
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Annual route approval permit
- Valid for five days, valid for one trip only
- Used if you need Iowa DOT route approval for travel under an annual permit; refer to your annual permit for the minimum dimensions for route approval requirements
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Annual raw forest product permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- 156,000 pounds gross maximum, 20,000 pounds per axle maximum
- Not valid for interstate travel (state roads only)
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Bridge exempt permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- Must be 41 feet or less in length and exceed maximum gross weight table for noninterstate highways
- May not exceed 80,000 pounds gross, 20,000 pounds single axle
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Compacted rubbish permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- Each county of operation requires a separate rubbish permit
- Separate city and/or county permits may be required (contact city/county engineer)
- Allows for compacted rubbish vehicles to operate up to 36,000 pounds on the rear tandem axle for non-interstate roads; interstate limits are 20,000 pounds single axle and 34,000 pounds rear tandem-axle.
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Raw milk transporter permit
- Valid for 12 months, unlimited trips
- 20,000 pounds per axle maximum, 80,000 pounds total gross weight
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Iowa registration trip permit
- Valid for 72 hours
- May not be used to satisfy International Registration Plan requirements for oversize/overweight loads
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Iowa fuel trip permit
- Valid for one trip in a 72 hour period
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Commercial repair permit
- Valid for 30 days
- Valid only for trip to and from facility for maintenance and/or repair; cannot carry a load
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Unladen weight permit
- Valid for 15 days
- Valid only for the empty weight of the vehicle
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Multitrip permit
- Valid for 60 days
- Valid for unlimited round trips between the same origin and destination; only one route is allowed for each multitrip permit
- 156,000 pounds gross maximum
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.
Annual All-systems Oversize Permit
- Valid for 12 months
- Allows for unlimited trips on all state and some city/county roads; refer to the all-systems oversize permit route map for a list of participating counties and the roads allowed for travel.
- 80,000 pounds gross maximum, 20,000 pounds maximum per axle
Apply by mail
Complete the application and mail it with the payment.