Traffic & Safety

Access Management Resources

Administrative Rule 

In accord with Administrative Code 761 Chapter 112(306A)

The Primary Highway Access Control Code contains the current administrative rules governing access to the primary highway system

Access Management Manual

The Access Management Manual contains information to assist the public when requesting access to the primary highway system and guidance on the Access Management Program. 

For design information, please reference the Iowa DOT Design Manual. Chapter 3 contains guidance for entrance design. Chapter 4 contains guidance for drainage.

Access Category Classifications

Every section of primary highways is assigned an access category with a set of standards that help guide decisions regarding the level of access to be provided to abutting land. This classification system helps to guide access decisions, so that they are consistent with the planned functional purpose and performance of the highway, while supporting the access needs of abutting land development.

Administrative Rules on Primary Highway Access Control

View CHAPTER 112

Access Management Manual First Edition

View Access Management Manual

Access Category Classification Map

  Access Classifications

Entrance To a Highway

Request an entrance to the primary highway

Private property access to a primary highway or permits to construct an entrance to a primary highway can be applied for using our electronic permitting system.

The Department requires a traffic impact analysis for all Type "A" and Type "B" access permits. The pdf below contains the guidelines for a traffic impact analysis.


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