Systems Planning


Garrett Pedersen

Garrett Pedersen
Office Director
Phone: 515-239-1027

Peggy Riecken

Peggy Riecken
Administrative Assistant 2
Administration Support
Phone: 515-239-1664


Mark Hansen

Mark Hansen
Team Leader
Mapping & Geographic Information
Phone: 515-239-1990

Nate Aronson

Nathan Aronson
Cartography Planner
Cartographic production and maintenance
Phone: 515-239-1094

Theron Gale

Theron Gale
Cartography Planner
Cartographic production and maintenance
Phone: 515-239-1094

Lori Judge

Lori Judge
Cartography Planner
Cartographic production and maintenance
Phone: 515-239-1645

Tony Volz

Tony Volz
Cartography Planner
City maps
County maps
Specialty maps
Statewide maps
Phone: 515-233-7826

Emily Reinhart

Emily Reinhart
Emily Reinhart
Cartography Planner
Cartographic production and maintenance
Phone: 515-239-1188

Jeff von Brown

Jeff von Brown
Team Leader
Forecasting, Modeling, and Telemetrics Team
Phone: 515-239-1554

At a glance
Jeff started with the Office of Systems Planning in May of 2012 as the Rural Forecasting Coordinator. Jeff is a graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor’s in Transportation and Logistics in 2004 and a Master’s in Transportation and GIS Certificate in 2011. Jeff also holds a Certified Public Manager Certification from Drake University since 2018. Jeff is currently the Team Leader for the Forecasting and Modeling and Telemetrics Team.

Some of the responsibilities include:

  • Urban travel demand modeling.
  • Geographic information systems.
  • Traffic simulation modeling.
  • Traffic estimation and forecasting.
  • Interchange justification studies.
  • Airport pavement condition analyses.
  • Research project manager.
  • Federal Functional Classification System.
  • Farm-to-Market System.

Brian Carlson

Brian Carlson
Phone: 515-239-1526

Chris Capaldo

No photo at this time
Modeling, Forecasting and Telemetrics Team
Phone: 515-239-1632

Cameron Mason

Cameron Mason
Forecasting and Modeling Team
Forecasting Coordinator/GIS MPO Support
Phone: 515-239-1337

At a glance:
Cameron started work at the Iowa DOT in July 2018. He graduated from Iowa State University in the Spring of 2018 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Community and Regional Planning. While at Iowa State, Cameron was most interested in transportation impacts of planning as well as the political side of the planning process. At the Iowa DOT, he supports the DOT and state MPOs through modeling and forecasting responsibilities.

Justin Meade

No photo at this time
Rural Forecasting
Phone: 515-239-1023

Brian Petty

Traffic Recording Technician
Phone: 515-233-7776

Stephen Rashid

Stephen Rashid
Modeling, Forecasting and Telemetrics Team
Modeling/Highway Analysis
Phone: 515-239-1221

At a glance
Stephen began working with the Iowa DOT in January 2021. He is a graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor's in Political Science in 2010 and a Master of Community and Regional Planning and GIS Certificate in 2016. Prior to coming to the DOT, Stephen worked as a transportation planner at Bi-State Regional Commission and SRF Consulting. His experience includes:
  • Urban travel demand modeling
  • Traffic Safety Planning
  • Corridor Studies
  • Transit Development Planning
  • Geographic Information Systems

Andrew Short

Andrew Short
Modeling, Forecasting and Telemetrics Team
Telemetrics Analyst
Phone: 515-239-1236

At a glance
Andrew Short came off the farm in the summer of ‘92 as a fresh faced boy with a dream in his heart and callouses on his hands. He was looking to make his fortune, find a wife and start a family. With that in mind he looked to the Iowa Department of Transportation as the answer to all his dreams. After working 2 summers as a temporary employee setting and installing recorders, Dennis O’Brien, Preliminary Survey Supervisor, decided to take a chance with Andrew and hired him as a lowly rodman on a preliminary survey crew in the Office of Design. After 2 years on the survey crew and working his way up the ladder to lowly rodman, Andrew decided it was a time for a change. He set his sights high and decided the Office of Transportation Data is where he would continue on his path to fame and fortune. He was picked out of many fine applicants by Gordon Peterson to be the Videolog van driver. Here he would spend 4 glorious summers driving a DOT van over the highways and byways of Iowa. He would see the sights and sounds of Iowa and partake in far too many adventures to tell here. It was also here that his talents were noticed by Jim Majors. Majors took him aside and said “Andrew, I want you to be the next Weigh-In-Motion Analyst.” Andrew was up for a new adventure and decided to take Jim up on the offer. And it was an offer Andrew was glad he accepted because after he accepted that offer all his dreams started coming true. Andrew found his wife, started his family and has been the Weigh-In-Motion Analyst in the Office of Systems Planning ever since.

Doug Westvold

Doug Westvold
Modeling, Forecasting and Telemetrics Team
Phone: 515-239-1073


Traffic Recording Technician

Sam Hiscocks

Sam Hiscocks
Team Leader
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1520

At a glance
Hiscocks began his career with the Iowa DOT in September of 2012. He is a 2012 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community and Regional Planning and Environmental Studies. Prior to joining the Planning Team in July 2013, Hiscocks served on the Cartography Team in the Systems Planning Bureau.

His current responsibilities include overseeing activities associated with the Planning Team. This section is responsible for the development of the state, modal, and specialized transportation plans for the Department and stewardship of Iowa’s metropolitan and regional transportation planning agencies.

Olivia Calvin

Photo coming soon
Safety & Social Impact Planner
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1724

At a glance
Calvin began her career with the Iowa DOT in January 2025. She is a 2024 graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with Masters in Geography and has a Bachelor’s in Mathematics and Environmental Studies with a minor in Economics from Coe College. Prior to joining the Iowa DOT, Calvin worked at an environmental consulting firm in the Quad Cities.

Her current responsibilities include coordinating stewardship planning functions such as the Department’s resiliency and sustainability efforts, supporting diverse modal planning activities, and assisting with a variety of safety planning functions. Calvin also assists with the State’s long range planning efforts.

Travis Halm

Zac Bitting
Metropolitan and Regional Planning Coordinator
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1351

At a glance

Halm began his career with the Iowa DOT in December 2023. Halm is a 2012 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science in Community and Regional Planning. Prior to joining the Systems Planning team, Halm served as a Transportation Planner at the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) in Omaha, Nebraska, where Travis served as the primary planner for Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA) 18 in Southwest Iowa. Prior to MAPA, Halm worked as a Transportation Planner at the Brazos Valley Council of Governments in Texas, and as a Planner with the City of Lawrence, Kansas.

His current responsibilities focus on coordination of Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA) and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) functions statewide, including Transportation Planning Work Programs, Long Range Transportation Plans and Public Participation Plans.

Milly Ortiz

Milly Ortiz
Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning Coordinator
Planning Team
Phone: 515-233-7733

At a glance
Ortiz began her career with the Iowa DOT in February 2003. Ortiz received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Puerto Rico, a master's degree in marketing from the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico, and a master's degree in community and regional planning with emphasis in transportation planning from Iowa State University.

Her current responsibilities include state long range planning, coordinating the development of the state bicycle and pedestrian plan and the transportation map for bicyclists, and managing the State Planning and Research (SPR) program.

Cindy Shearer

Cindy Shearer
Statewide Planning Support
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1643

At a glance
Shearer began her career with the Iowa DOT in February 1981. Before coming to the Office of Systems Planning in September 1995 she had been in the Office of Transportation Data and Driver & Identification Services. Shearer is on the RPA/MPO Planning Support team in the Planning area.

Spencer Thompson

Spencer Thompson
Passenger Planner
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1772

At a glance

Thompson began his career with the Iowa DOT in June 2023. He is a 2022 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor's in Community and Regional Planning with an emphasis in GIS.

His current responsibilities include assisting with passenger planning activities such as the implementation of the state park and ride system plan and coordinating with Iowa’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Planning Affiliations on their passenger planning activities. Thompson also assists with the state’s long-range planning efforts.

Andrea White

Andrea White
Asset Performance Manager
Planning Team
Phone: 515-239-1210

At a glance

White began her career with the Iowa DOT in April 2014. She is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in Geography with a GIS emphasis. Prior to joining the Iowa DOT, White was employed as the Director of Transportation at the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments in Waterloo.

Her responsibilities include leading asset and performance management efforts for the department as well as leading the transportation asset management plan update.

Caleb Whitehouse

Sam Hiscocks
Freight Planning Coordinator
Planning Team
Phone: 515-233-7767

At a glance

Whitehouse began his career with the Iowa DOT in December of 2021. He is a 2021 graduate of Kansas State University with a Master’s in Regional & Community Planning. Prior to joining the Iowa DOT, Whitehouse worked at the Southern Iowa Council of Governments in Creston and the Kansas Department of Transportation in the Transportation Planning Bureau.

His current responsibilities include coordinating freight planning activities such as the collection of freight data, development of the state freight plan, and working with the Freight Advisory Council. He is also responsible for coordinating all waterway planning activities.

Vacant - Freight Planner

Photo coming soon
Freight Planner
Planning Team

At a glance
Responsibilities include various freight planning activities such as assisting with the development of the state freight plan, Infrastructure Condition Evaluation (ICE), and other analytical efforts.

Vacant - Statewide Planning Coordinator

Photo coming soon
Statewide Planning Coordinator
Planning Team

At a glance
Responsibilities include leading the state long-range transportation plan update and implementation as well as activities related to other state planning efforts.

Jorge Zamora

Jorge Zamora
Team Leader
Traffic Collection & Analysis
Phone: 515-239-1323

Vesper Brace

Vesper Brace
Traffic Analyst
Traffic sample processing
Phone: 515-239-1246

Noah Fegter

No photo at this time
Traffic Analyst
Traffic collection
Traffic data collection
Phone: 515-239-1045

Jeff Huston

Jeff Huston
Traffic Analyst
Phone: 515-239-1504

Aaron Koethe

Aaron Koethe
Traffic Analyst
Traffic sample processing
Phone: 515-239-1122

Josh Lotz

Josh Lotz
Traffic Scheduling Analyst
Phone: 515-239-1130

Kelly Sprecher

No photo at this time
Traffic Analyst
Phone: 515-233-7909

Tawnya Sullivan

Tawnya Sullivan
Traffic Processing Analyst
Traffic sample processing
Phone: 515-239-1356

At a glance
Tawnya began her career with the Iowa Department of Transportation in May of 1999. She is the Unit Leader of the Traffic Processing Analyst section in the Cartography and Traffic Section of System Planning.

Zach Thompson

Zach Thompson
Traffic Analyst
Traffic data collection
Phone: 515-239-1717

Peter Wilkinson

Peter Wilkinson
Traffic Analyst
Traffic data collection
Phone: 515-239-1046


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